
Doppler used to test circulation

Doppler used to test circulation

 Do you suffer from diabetes or another condition that affects blood circulation? If so then we recommend that you have a Doppler test at least once a year. However at Randell’s we will routinely test all of our patients as part of your assessment. Comparison of your Doppler results over time helps us to detect, monitor and treat any compromised circulatory problems that may exist. Sometimes problems arise from the medication that people take and we are able to refer back to the GP’s for review.

High frequency acoustic sound waves are applied to the foot via a probe. This tests the pulses and blood flow in the small blood vessels. It is non-invasive test and completely painless. There are two main blood vessels/pulses that we evaluate. One on top of the foot (as shown in the picture) and the other on the inside of the foot, just under the ankle bone . The Doppler machine picks up the pulses which can then be heard via an audio component. Sometimes there is a printed out display.

Occasionally pulses can’t be found or are very difficult to measure with the Doppler. This may be because the blood vessels lie more deeply below the surface than usual. In fact about 10% of the population has at least one of the two blood vessels/pulses which will be difficult to measure. If this is the case, then there are other tests we can do to check the circulation of your feet.

If you have any concerns about the circulation in your feet, or if you have diabetes, then we certainly recommend organising a Doppler examination sooner rather than later. Early detection is crucial in preventing the damage that can occur due to poor circulation.

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