
It’s Official!

the society of chiropodists and podiatrists accredited practice

the society of chiropodists and podiatrists accredited practiceIt was time earlier this year to re-apply for our accreditation with the Society of Podiatrists and Chiropodists. For the staff here at Randell’s, this is just the end result of an ongoing process, whereby we ensure that all of our premises are maintained at the highest standards, and that all of our staff undertake Continued Professional Development, to remain up to date with all the latest Podiatry practices and procedures.

For Matt Allen, our Practice Manager, there was much collating of paperwork; ticking of boxes; crossing of t’s; and dotting of i’s. It’s a good job he’s so patient and organised, you can see the result of all his hard work in the Practice Information Pack, which is available for your perusal in all of our Practices.

Accreditation is really important to Randell’s Footcare as it is your assurance that we meet the highest standards in patient care, hygiene, and a whole range of other criteria. Basically, what it all means is that when you visit Randell’s Footcare, both the Podiatrist treating you and the clinic you are receiving treatment in are top notch!

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