
Understanding Chilblains and Raynaud’s Phenomenon

podiatrist showing patient Ipad screen
Damini Gangaram

Raynaud’s Phenomenon: Symptoms and Treatments

Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition that affects blood circulation, causing blood vessels to spasm and narrow, which reduces blood flow. This condition can be particularly challenging during colder months or in cold environments, as it can cause significant discomfort and lead to more serious health issues if not properly managed.

Symptoms of Raynaud’s Phenomenon

One of the most noticeable features of Raynaud’s phenomenon is the dramatic colour change in the fingers and toes. These areas can turn pale, white, purple, or blue. When the blood flow is reduced, the affected areas often become numb and cold to the touch. As blood flow returns, the skin may turn a reddish hue and can tingle or throb painfully as warmth and circulation are restored.

These colour changes typically occur in stages:

  1. Pale or White: Blood flow is significantly reduced, causing numbness and a pale appearance.
  2. Purple or Blue: Lack of oxygen in the tissues causes a bluish colour.
  3. Red: As blood flow returns, the skin becomes red and may throb or tingle.

Treatments for Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Managing Raynaud’s phenomenon involves a combination of home-based and medical treatments to improve blood flow and prevent episodes.

Home-Based Treatments

  • Light Massage: Gently massaging the affected areas can help promote blood flow.
  • Lukewarm Water: Placing your hands or feet in lukewarm water (never hot) can gradually warm them up and improve circulation.
  • Warm Clothing: Wearing warm, thick socks and gloves, especially during winter, can help keep extremities warm and reduce the likelihood of an episode.

Medical Treatments

  • Oral Medication: In severe cases, a general practitioner may prescribe medications to help manage symptoms and improve blood flow. These medications can include vasodilators, which help to relax and open the blood vessels.

By understanding these symptoms and treatment options, individuals with Raynaud’s phenomenon can take proactive steps to manage their condition and reduce discomfort.

Chilblains: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Chilblains, also known as pernio, are small, itchy, and inflamed blisters or skin lesions that occur after exposure to cold temperatures. This condition is caused by vasoconstriction, where blood vessels narrow, reducing blood flow to the affected areas and leading to damage.

Features of Chilblains

Chilblains are characterised by:

  • Itching: A persistent itching sensation in the affected areas.
  • Red and Inflamed Skin: The skin often appears red and swollen.
  • Painful Blisters: Blisters may develop, which can be painful and uncomfortable.
  • Colour Changes: Affected areas can change colour from red to blue as the condition progresses.

Treatment for Chilblains

Treating chilblains focuses on alleviating symptoms and preventing further damage. Here are some effective methods:

  • Topical Remedies: Applying calamine lotion or other soothing creams can help reduce itching and inflammation.
  • Warm Clothing: Wearing warm socks and gloves can help keep extremities insulated and reduce the risk of developing chilblains.
  • Avoid Cold Exposure: Minimising exposure to cold water and damp environments is crucial. Always ensure that socks and gloves are dry and warm.
  • Oral Antibiotics: If skin breakdown occurs and becomes infected, a doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to treat the infection.

By taking these precautions and treatments seriously, individuals can manage and prevent the discomfort associated with chilblains, ensuring better overall skin health during cold weather.


Both Raynaud’s phenomenon and chilblains can cause significant discomfort, particularly during colder months. Understanding the symptoms and available treatments for these conditions is essential for effective management. By combining home-based remedies with appropriate medical treatments, individuals can alleviate symptoms, improve circulation, and maintain their quality of life. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and treatment options.

If you would like to have an appointment with one of our team to discuss this or any other condition then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01603 737188 or submit an online form here.

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